Common Questions
Q: What can I expect on a Sunday morning?
A: When people visit, they're struck by the 'family feel'. We're a pretty casual, non-denominational body of believers who love the Lord and love being together. Service starts at 10:00 a.m. and usually lasts about an 1 hour-1.5 hours. It's a mix of getting in God's Word, singing songs of worship, and sharing with one another. In the past, it's often been followed by refreshments or a meal.
Q: What about my kids?
A: Kids of all ages are welcome. We are excited to resume our nursery for kids under 2 and then a children's ministry time for all other kids where they can learn about God in age specific ways during the sermon.
Q: What do I wear?
A:  Anything you're comfortable wearing out! Some people chose to dress up but most dress down. We tend to go 'Northwest 'casual'! 
Q: How do I get connected?
A: We'd love to meet you! Please introduce yourself to us on Sunday or call our church office (206.870.7258) and ask to speak with one of the Pastors. You can also download our church app on Apple's App store or Google Play.