We can't do it without you (See 1 Cor. 12). If you are part of the family of God and call JCSL Church home, prayerfully consider if God might use you in one of these opportunities below and reach out to the church office if you'd like to learn more or if God puts something else on your heart!
Nursery - Caring for the well being of our youngest crowd (Sunday mornings during service).
Children or Youth Sunday School - Investing in the next generation (Sunday mornings during service, Mentoring, Tutoring, Activites during year).
Women's Ministry - Discipleship, Teaching, Prayer, and Event Organization and Prep.
Men's Ministry - Discipleship, Teaching, Prayer, and Event Organization and Prep.
Internal Care - Ministering to the needs and health of our congregation.
Local Outreach - Serving the poor and those in need among us from schools to the streets.
International Ministry - Spreading God's love and heart around the world and coming alongside brothers and sisters in the larger family of God.
Tech and Worship Ministry - Fostering atmospheres of worship and growth (AV Tech/Equipment, Video Editing, Singing and Instrumental Playing)
Office Administration - Supporting the ongoing organizational and communication needs within the body.