Many in our local community are desparate for help!  God specifically planted our church in one of the most impovereshed communities in Washington state.  Located on Pacfic Highway just south of SeaTac airport, our neighborhood is historically ridden with drugs, crime, sex trafficking and homelessness.  20 years ago God had a vision for our church to be the Salt & Light of Jesus in a community in need of love, care, grace and assistance. 

Through our benevolence fund, our Community Care Team serves those around us who are hungry, homeless, addicted and in personal crisis!  We provide real-time care in substanitive ways that communicate the love of Jesus who are in greatest need while providing emergency assistance (food, clothing, rent/utility assistance, hotel vouchers and much more).  If we don't have the resource available to us, we work to connect folks in need with the community service or church that can help.

If you (or someone you know) is in need of assistance please contact us at