We love our kids and youth at Salt & Light and are excited to invest in the next generation and committed to providing opportunities for them to encounter our living God who brings about lasting transformation! We believe Scripture makes it clear that this raising up in faith is first entrusted to families (Psalm 78:5-7). Therefore, we understand our role as a body to come alongside families in their discipleship of their children and youth. With every age group, we seek to communicate God’s story in ways that (a) always makes Him the hero and the one the story is all about, (b) emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit, and (c) invites kids and youth to learn to know, hear, and respond to His voice in faith! 

Weekly Salt & Light Kids Ministry - Sunday Mornings

Nursery (Birth to 2 yrs) - Check in at 9:50a.                                                            

Pre-K/K (3 yrs to 5 yrs) - Dismissed at the start of Family Business

Elementary (1st to 5th grade) - Dismissed at the start of Family Business

Contact our Children't Ministry Lead, Marcy Brighton or Pastor Terry or for more details.