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We made it into Kharkiv, safe and sound! Lena had a really nice lunch ready for us and everybody is so excited we are here, which is very encouraging!  Gennadii said that half of all pastors in the city have left- either to go to safer cities and help there or have left the Country altogether, which means many congregations are without a pastor or other leaders. You can understand on the one hand but so many here feel abandoned! We have listened to people talk in every city about the division between those who have stayed and those who left. It has been one of the focus points for my conversation in each place.  We can't love and judge at the same time but must leave these things to the True Judge who is the only One who knows the heart and how He has lead each one.  We can only be responsible for ourselves...  

There is a lot of need everywhere. Because it is Marshall law everywhere until at least the end of May, most workers are not being paid. It is also very difficult to get your money out of the one bank that is still operating here in Kharkiv and it looks like another offensive will be starting soon! People are afraid much of the time and tears come easily when we talk about the bombings!

Right now I am writing in the dark. Curfew starts at 8 pm and people are not to go outside for any reason, even to your car! And no lights are to shine through your windows, so our apt. is staying completely dark until 6 am.   The apt. we are in is only 5 minutes away from pastor Gennadii's apt. It belongs to another pastor who has left the city, but his English speaking sister (Larissa) lives here and is taking care of Rolfe and I.  

Tomorrow, we found a place to work out early and then we are going to spend the day at Gennadii's church working with the refugees. They have asked me to share with them and then they have a time of prayer!  In the evening we are hoping to gather all Gennadii and Lena's family together for dinner, sharing and prayer! 


Anita C Turner almost 3 years ago

I imagine it is very difficult for those left behind to understand how those who left could do that....but, perhaps God felt they were needed in the places they end up? I would imagine the refugee camps are finding a real shortage of pastors to administer to the flock. I can't fathom God's mind or His will in all of this. I am just happy to hear you arrived safely. Take care.

Steve Carlson almost 3 years ago

Thanks be to God that you and Mr. Carawan arrived there safely. Work out? Wow! Praying for relationships and God’s words as you discuss crucial, sensitive matters.

jean rehberg almost 3 years ago

How we need God's reminders of His ways. So glad you are there to assure God's people of His ways, His presence and His faithfulness.

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