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We had a great day at Bukara Primary School today where we provide funds for all 650-960 children (depending on the time of year) to have a full lunch, 6 days a week!  

The first thing the Head Teacher reminded us of when we walked into her office was that many of these kids have survived because they have this one meal to count on when there is often nothing else at home! I think of this, often with watery eyes, as we touch hands with every child in this school at least once!  

Their Teachers are outstanding!  They love, encourage, hold to discipline and excellence with genuine kindness and respect!  The kids likewise are respectful, obedient, grateful and diligent!  There is so much we could learn from them! 

 There is also a picture at the life-giving  Well God has entrusted to us and a really sweet young couple who are part of the community that our farm is located in. They just come up and get fresh, cool water without even asking and know it is free for the taking, saving them hours of walking to other 'possible' sources every day!  Isn't our God Wonderful?!  

Just a follow-up to our black mamba experience yesterday...the guys with us said there are still many witch doctors in the area, as well as satanists that use these deadly snakes as part of their satanic rituals! They believe this one was intentionally released on our property!   

Even though we all passed within inches of this deadly reptile as we walked through the scrub brush, not one person was touched! Praise God!! The devil is a defeated, powerless enemy before the all-powerful Living God we serve- and our adversary knows it! Rev. 12:12 / Col. 2:13-15   


Anita Turner over 2 years ago

Such a wonderful diary. Thank you.

Marilyn Holms over 2 years ago

Thanks for update on snake. The enemy was defeated. Wow there is a spiritual battle going on. It is miracle that those teachers can teacher that many children. I give them a high five for their love and discipline and giving knowledge to each student. Instilling love of the Lord upmost importance. Blessings. MARILYN

Katelyn over 2 years ago

Praise God for how He is at work. Thank you for your diligence to share the journey!

Sue over 2 years ago

Lord - We thank you for feeding thousands with just a few fishes and loaves of bread. In this case we are grateful, and in awe of you for feeding thousands of kids who would not otherwise have food. Please feed the parents and teachers. All of our faith is in You. There is no other we can go to.
In Jesus Precious Name

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