Two of our dearest friends in Kiev are pastor Sergei Orluk and his wife, Lesa.  We are with them virtually every time we enter and leave the Country of Ukraine!  Pastor Sergei has joined the Ukrainian defense forces and his son, Sergei Jr., was just called up as well. No males between the ages of 18-60 are permitted to leave the Country, so almost all of the huge refugee movement both within and outside of Ukraine are women and children.   The details of the War are very important but we feel like it is important to also communicate the  tremendous spiritual attack on all they hold dear!  Lesa's raw honesty and experience is being repeated 1000's of times over every day... We can support with finances that God, by His grace, continues to provide avenues for us to get into the most violent and  desperate places!  But spiritually there is an even more desperate need to hold up our brothers and sisters' arms with intercessory prayer!  satan has a bigger objective than destroying Cities, he wants to destroy the Churches hope and faith in God!  We are called to be One in Christ!  Now is the Church's time to bring our Lord's Light and Power to the whole World!! (The following is our most recent letter from Lesa...)

Hi there.  We are alive Thank God! It is depressing that it is not getting better. There is silence for almost a day and it is scary ... apparently there is a redeployment.  Explosions are heard but somewhere far away. My mother is in the occupation of Bucha.  There is no connection and no light. Today in the store I looked at people ... it is indescribably painful and sad.  Brother, I want to confess something to you ... it is very difficult for me to pray.  More difficult than ever. I just don't understand why this is my beautiful country! One more thing I honestly want to say .. I'm scared to die I don't want to be with torn off body parts... Usually the mood is more or less good, but apparently the night is coming and the news is not comforting from all over Ukraine. Intelligence spotted a convoy of powerful bombs from Belarus heading for Kyiv.  It's not fun at all.  I want to thank you again for your help!  Thanks to her we can eat and refuel our car a bit. As Sergey is involved to help as I wrote earlier. Last night they arrived in Kyiv from Lviv.  They took medicine, drones and much more. Many other things are planned again.  Keep praying please! 

Jorge and Hera are a beautiful, well educated couple that have become dear friends since we participated in the Colombian spiritual training School this last January and February!   They have dreams for their own beautiful but violent and drug infested homeland, but also a heart for the World!     I am reminded as I read their letter that God does not expect equal giving, that would be impossible, but He does expect equal sacrifice as we follow Jesus with our whole hearts!  What would $10 mean for you in your family's budget?  For Jorge and Hera, it is the last of what they have to live on...does it remind you of a story in the Bible that Jesus praised?   The following is this very humbling letter I received just yesterday...

Pastor Jerry, we were thinking about the situation of our brothers and people in Ukraine, so we want to help with some money, actually, it really is very little, ‍so little that it saddens us a lot, but we don't want to stop supporting what you are doing for the people there.  Since November of last year I have been without a job and what my husband earns up to now covers what is necessary and trusting in the grace of God for those that remain to be covered, that is the reason why this time we will only send $10 dollars, please tell us how we can send it to you 


Judy Davies about 3 years ago

I can not image the emotional, physical and spiritual drain daily life has become. We stand with voices raised and beg God for your country and it's people. May His Spirit strengthen your inner man. Our God is a mighty God filled with love, compassion and mercy.

Anita C Turner about 3 years ago

I have never in my entire live prayed so hard to have more so that I could give more. I am praying for our "family" in Ukraine and around the world. I have always prayed to have Jesus speak to me clearly and in a voice that I would, I pray that Jesus speaks personally to Putin and beats his swords into plow shares. His plan is so hard to see, His plan is so hard to wait for and yet I know that His plan leads to the promised land. Take heart. With much love - anita

Denise Farrell about 3 years ago

I trust in the lord, prayers that this is happening. Through this dire situation. When times when cruelty with no understanding tests us. Open all hearts lord with compassion and strength. Help on any and all ways.

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