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 First of all I have to apologize for not getting more reports out about God's great faithfulness here! Thank you for your patience dear friends! 

Our dear Lord has been hearing your prayers and providing opportunities every minute of the day!  I have been to at least a dozen home groups, speaking here at the conference and meeting with groups and individuals between every break!  I think that I have only had two meals in the last three days (Mark 6:31), but God has given grace for it all! (It is probably good to miss some meals anyway because when I go to home groups they usually prepare my plate like Benjamin's- Gen. 43:34)  

People are so hungry for everything God has to give and the ground has been so thoroughly prepared by your fasting and prayers that the flood gates have just opened! There have been healings, prayers for new life in Christ, deliverance, relationship issues and church leadership challenges.  The Holy Spirit has given great grace for insight and understanding into every problem we have been faced with so far!

Today for example I woke up before 6 am, worked on a talk for the Conference on 'Spiritual Warfare', which is right in the middle of one of the great needs they have here. Then we were breaking out in small groups to discuss this topic and as I headed to my group I was told I couldn't go because I was speaking at another church across town in 20 minutes!

I had a tremendous time there, with great people!  I had met the pastor earlier this week for the first time and he handed me 10,000 rubles (about $320) as we were leaving our light breakfast and wouldn't take it back but God had an emergency need for a friend here the very next day that just fit the bill!  

After speaking at that new church we headed back for a difficult church leadership meeting with about 15 of their elders and pastors...then after a bowl of soup, my first meal of the day, I had an hour for personal notes to people here.  I was hoping to get a little dinner but it turned out I only had about ten minutes before we were to meet a woman with a demon that took over the Service at the end of my sermon last week!  After I spoke this morning the family asked if she could come in for deliverance prayer, which she did voluntarily!  It was a very significant time!  

We had our evening Service afterward and several more meetings and then a request from the leadership for me to stay in Krasnodar longer because of all that God is doing!  I told them I thought it was time to return home now and we would need to pray for the Holy Spirit's guidance and my wife and church's permission. So for now the return date is still set for about the 13th of November.   I know that my sweet wife Susan and dear friend Jean pray for my physical strength all the time but maybe there are more people doing that too because my knees have been great!  Also my hip and neck!  I am feeling pretty spunky right now, even as the clock is about to strike midnight!   I love you all and am so grateful to be a part of the stunning ministry that the Holy Spirit allows us to share together with Him!! 

1 Comment

Jody Clark over 3 years ago

Dear Jerry, what a wonderful report! I am so thankful for answered prayers for the things of the greatest value! Your faithfulness has allowed you to experience God’s greatest gifts up close and personal. It doesn’t get better than that on this side of heaven.May Our good Lord continue to bless you and all the dear ones you come in contact with.♥️

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