Blessings in Christ dear brothers and sisters, beloved by the Lord! We are continuing to update the work our dear Lord has called us to around the World...
Your prayers can move heaven and earth and are the most significant gift we have to offer anywhere God has called us to serve.
Below is the latest letter we have received from our dear brother Enos Mutokah, who leads the work of God in schools and feeding programs we support in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya as well as Bukara School in Western Kenya.
There is always a battle for survival there and the prince of darkness lurks around to add his vile purposes to this oppression!
The struggle we all face in every Country is first of all a spiritual one- Ephesians 6:12. But God uses this in each of our lives to make us stronger and more confident in faith as we contend with every obstacle the enemy puts in our way!
Enos mentions the 'Elephant Cooperation' that has been paying the salaries of teachers at the Amson school in the Mathare slum where we provde meals. Their sudden withdrawal is a shocker for the staff there but God can overcome any challenge we face if we keep our eyes fixed on Him- Mark 5:36!
We are involved in feeding about 1150 kids, six days a week in these three schools. Recently we were able to send an additional $500 gift for the Bukara school to use for a Christmas/ New Year holiday, where they had a soccer tournament and gave a rare treat and some soda pop for each of the students! Let's continue to pray for God's provision and protection over these precious lives who are in our care...
Good morning Dad. Sorry for the late response. I have been having a lot going on from a faulty phone and some not so good news from the Amson school sponsor.
I have sent you the lunch photos plus the photos of how the lunch with parents went. We decided to make the day more entertaining by doing a soccer competition and a small lunch.
I just received an email from the Elephant Cooperation, our school sponsor that they are terminating the sponsorship starting this month. Quite a sad state. I am actually confused on how to move forward but praying for God's guidance. Please pray with me to hear clearly from God what he has in store for us. Thank you again.
I am sad to hear of the dropped support for the teachers. I am happy to pray for them.
Thankfully Heavenly Father has been so faithful to provide! We believe He will ❤️
So glad to an update from Enos and beautiful pictures. Those children and their smiles make my heart so happy. Proud to be a small part of their life. My heart hurts to heart the lost Elephant Cooperation . Praying and believing the lord will step in and provide. I have been praying for the teachers that lay their lives down to serve and teach the children. MARILYN