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Our dear sister Gabrielle is back in Ukraine where she grew up before leaving for college.   

After more than two years of war with Russia following their full-scale invasion in February of 2022, everybody is exhausted and carrying the great burden of grief and loss… Gabrielle is a beautiful follower of Jesus who is carrying the same message God called me to speak during my time there a year ago - unless we “love and forgive”, we will not be forgiven! Matt. 6:14,15 / Matt. 18:21-35. This is God’s love and it is possible only by the power of the Holy Spirit - Luke 6:27,28 / Rom. 5:5   

But as you would imagine, this is a difficult Word to give and to receive in the midst of death, deprivation and hatred! God help all of us to be your loving servants and light-bearers wherever we go, for Jesus’ sake!

The following is a note we just received from Gabrielle:

Hello Jerry! Just wanted to ask for prayer. It’s been a hard trip so far (of course special too). But I could sense a heavy spirit of depression over the land the first morning I woke here. I’ve already had a conversation with a friend about the importance of forgiveness and it left me sad because I sense that many people are unknowingly suffering from the effects of unforgiveness. I want the Lord to somehow use me here to encourage people and bring them closer to him. I’m just having a hard time navigating those converataions.



Steve Carlson 12 months ago

Lord God, please keep Gabrielle safe and help her ministry there to flourish. Help us all to love and forgive. Please end the war and help Ukraine to rebuild. Please help the Russian soldiers to return home. Please change Mr. Putin’s heart.

Betty 11 months ago

Gabrielle dear,
I’m so thankful to the Lord for your life in Him!! I sense His strength underneath you and His great desire to use your life for His glory in the very special places He sends you!
Colossians 1:9-12 comes to mind as my prayer for you. Much love!!

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