This time last year God had called Juan Carlos and myself to a Christian bootcamp in the hills of Colombia for a "School of Christ"! It was a tremendous, month long experience with amazing South American brothers and sisters submitting to rigorous discipline in every area- control of our food, fasting, sleep time, 10-12 hours of classroom each day, testing on the material, work details and corporate times of Worship in the wee hours of the morning! All of these things were just what I needed in my own personal journey with Christ, little knowing that only seven days after I returned, the War in Ukraine would begin... My fellow students at the "School of Christ" were primarily pastors returning to very difficult situations, even areas with violent drug cartel strongholds. The ones who made it through the entire month of training, developed a tremendous repour and affection for each other! Many of us continue to pray, encourage, and support each other in our various ministries! Below, two of my dearest friends from that time in Colombia, Jorge and Hera Viillarrealrada, have sent an update on their work for Christ, which I hope you will enjoy and remember before our dear Savior in prayer!
"Many thanks for your words and your love in Christ... We were reminder about the same at the Escuela de Cristo's camp. We were helping and preaching a week to people in la Guajira - Colombia...we arranged some clothes, shoes, toys, pencils, erasers, crayons for children and adults. There are a lot necesities. They don't have electricity, clean water, ... That was on Christmas day Before of that, during 2 weeks we were evangelizing children by our neighborhood, doing funny activities for them. From November 28 to December 9. And since June we have been doing volunteering with young people and teenagers Since May we have been doing volunteering with a foundation for drug addiction rehabilitation Thanks a lot for your prayers!!"
Sue, Beautiful children and there smiles melt your heart. I admired their discipline life and study od the word. BLESSINGS. MARILYN
They are saints, caring for those who don’t have even the basics, or deal with tough burdens of addiction.
Lord God, please multiply the resources and energy of Messrs. Viillarrealrada. Please keep them safe in unsafe areas. Help them sense Your presence.