The day before we arrived in Kisumu in Western Kenya we had called the Methodist guesthouse to reserve a couple rooms. We stay there because it is pretty secure and cheap, about $30/ night. It is not especially clean and very outdated but it is cheap! Unfortunately there was no room in the Inn! We were pretty disappointed because we weren't sure there were any otber places in this area that would work. But while driving to our ultimate destination there was a road side Inn that looked nice but actually kind of expensive so we stopped just to check it out. God is so fun! The place was very nice and clean with each room having its own bathroom a great staff that couldn't be helpful enough and the rooms were $20/ night! And the manager had a great story of being a survivor of 4th stage brain cancer! Now, he says he lives his whole life for Jesus and that was very visible! I took a picture of my room and the view from the is a great reminder of how faithful God is to take us from blessing to blessing if we just put our trust in Him!
Like you’ve been living Jerry:
Overhearing what they said, Jesus told them, “Don’t be afraid, just believe.”
Mark 5:36
Wonderful the
Testimony. Jerry your pictures are great depict the culture needs. So blessed to see beautiful children..