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Blessings, dear ones, in the name of Jesus! God's work continues with great effect even during some of the difficult times! It is a joy to share with you from time to time some of the wonderful things His saints are doing around the world!  Many of you have met Israel and Vicki Pochtar from Israel. They have been with us at Salt and Light several times. Their son, Sason, has become a dear friend over the years. He has a beautiful wife, Sophia, and 1 1/2 children. Sason has shared many responsibilities of his parents' International Ministy, but his heart is with young people. 

I would like to share with you his "Camp Story":

Shalom dear pastor Jeri.
Hope you are doing well, how are you? What is new at yore ministry?

Please pray for me my family and the church, we are Second time in lockdown for 3 weeks maybe few weeks more.

I would like to share with you some things that happen in my ministry last month and how God is working special with the youth.

Youth camp-
* Every year in August we have our youth conference “Awake”,but this year we had to cancel the conference because of the restrictions, we are allowed to be in our congregation facility up to 25 people only, so we had no choice to cancel it, but instead we decided to make a camp up in the north of Israel (at the Galilee). We took 38 youth with us.
* When you are in open place then you have ability to gather up to 50 or more, so we didn’t want to miss opportunity to do something with the youth especially before they’re going back to school.
* It was really great time to spend with them at the nature of Israel, to go to biblical sites, open scriptures, and to stand in the place that we have been reading about, every night we had our services and me and a few other leaders had been preaching and sharing our hearts, every night different young boys and girls decided to follow Yeshoa, we had a lot of testimonies of how God showed himself and touch their lives, I spoke a lot about our identity in Christ, it’s been really encouraging to see how God is working in search of times and circumstances, God is good!!!

Baptize in the Jordan River-                                                            * In the beginning of the camp i offer to the young guys to finish the camp with baptism in the water, 3 girls came to me and were saying that they’re willing to make next step with the God, I prefer their heart for the baptism, so in the last day we took them to the Jordan River and one by one I had a privilege and honor to baptized them, it was incredible moment see see their exciting, tears and happiness when the wind out of the water, it’s really amazing to do this baptism at same area where Jesus did it!!

1 Comment

Sue Hughes over 4 years ago

What a wonderful blessing. So grateful for those who push through - all to advance God's Word and Kingdom.
I have been telling a lot of people lately, who are discouraged, to remember who they are in Christ. A child of God. A son or daughter of the King. And who they are those of us who love them.

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