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After the Prayer Breakfast, the Leadership Team met at a large monastery in the city to debrief and get a little time together to talk and pray.  I and a few others were asked to share and give input.  The saints here have been really attentive and earnest about every kind of input we have offered!  I look like I have been on drugs in this picture, I think I was just about spent after five weeks on the road, but I can't imagine the time being more fruitful!  Every meeting and event has been thoroughly bathed in prayer by the saints here and those back home who are faithful and completely committed to the work of the Lord in these Countries!!  What a privilege to be in this great work together, following as the Spirit of Jesus leads!!!


This is my friend, Roman, the Orthodox priest who spent seven years in Salt Lake City when he was growing up!  He is a Seminary student in this monastery and a very kind, humble servant of Jesus.  He spent over an hour explaining their education, faith and the many centuries of history represented on this 'holy ground'.
  After the Seminary meeting and tour, I took a taxi on the wildest ride through Moscow I have ever experienced and it lasted for over and hour!  I was asked to share at a couple's home group that I have known for many years.  It was again wonderful, deep and challenging! And ended up very tender and significant!  
  I had hoped to get home early to pack and get a little rest before my early morning flight to Frankfurt on my way home.  But, after being stopped by the police, I didn't get to bed until 12:30 am and up before 5 am.  I know that I am personally being covered in prayer - apart from being tired, everything in my body feels good and I have plenty of strength for all that God has asked, every day! I am humbled and very grateful!   Amazing Grace... 

1 Comment

Clarice Thaete over 5 years ago

Thank You for the work of Your Holy Spirit in these our precious brothers and sisters. What a blessing they are!
What an amazing GOD you are!!!
Thank You again and again for their lives and their hearts for You!!!

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