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Marietta is a very dear friend in Krasnodar Russia! She has battled demons and depression for years! I think the enemy fears this amazing woman's life and has continually tried to bring hurt into her life and family! But the Spirit of Jesus has won a great victory..

Dear Jerry, I want to say Hello to you so much!

I remember you in my prayers (if I can call it like that), believe you’re doing well in all ways! I heard from Lyuba, that you are in Kenya now… how does it going? What are you doing there?   

The most joy for me is to know that we will see (hope so) in Istanbul on October the 5th, just one day, but we will hug you strongly). And our family will move to Istanbul on Oct 4th for a year… God makes wonderful things with us, with Max and me too… and with our small group (with Lyuba, Vova, Slava and Sasha). It called “new group” in messenger and definitely seems like all of us becomes a New one…   

Ones Lyuba prayed for me, we prayed together, and I felt like I was reborn inside, sooo happy and joy… and then I think someone have stolen it from me, and I asked guys to pray, and miraculously God had returned it for me, and also I feel strength inside, which I had no before. And sometimes I feel sadness now (because of moving in different country) but I see (feel) like God wants me to step on the water with faith even if I don’t see smthng, or can’t be sure in things, but need to learn how can be confident in His love and care.   

And about Martha - she wears clothes! I think that osteopath had helped us, but few times after I prayed for her - she started to wore. And even ones I prayed when she was in hysteria, if there anything evil in her - must go out from her, after 1-2 sec she calm down and relaxed   So thank God and you for His example and love and your faith and confidence in Him, so we have a great example of love and passion for Christ and Spirit and Father! And for teaching us with patience and answering many times for one question  

Miss you and love you in Christ,  Marietta 

And this is another letter from our friend Lyuba, about the church in Krasnodar...

Shalom, my dear friend Jerry!  Thank you for your prayers and responsiveness, it is very valuable, especially at this time!  We have a lot of God's visitations going on here! A lot is changing in our life with Vova. The Lord uses us in new directions, in service to people, in revelation and the Holy Spirit.    Today we prayed over one dear sister. We and our small group prayed for peace in her heart, for liberation from the forces of darkness and acceptance of the grace of Christ.  We see how many and many believers today still find it difficult to accept the grace of Jesus into their practical life. It's everywhere!!    I'm very surprised by this, as if I haven't seen it before. It seemed that the church was full of correct teaching and knowledge about God, but in fact something completely different is happening. People focus their attention on sinfulness, on daily suffering, on impotence, weakness. And this slows down the movement of the Spirit in their lives so much. I myself lived in this state not so long ago.    It's very sad! So the world of darkness does not even need to expend forces to keep the world in evil - after all, the Church gives it its positions without effort. But God's plan for us is different - Ephesians 1:18-20!! When the Church understands and accepts its vocation in Christ, then the forces of darkness will fall in one stage!!  I pray that this renewal in the Church will accelerate!    Dear Jerry, I pray for you, your family and the Church that all the works and plans of God will be carried out in a timely and unhindered manner! I pray for your upcoming travels, so that there will be many miracles and the glory of God in them! And may the Divine provision of all necessary needs come!   P.S.Your eloquence amuses me - what you said about my crown, which will be difficult to wear.   It sounds tempting! But I want to say that you are too generous again. I see a lot of evidence in other people who are truly great in their patience, perseverance and faith - I still have to grow and grow. And the difficulties that many people go through in their circumstances are beyond my strength.    Therefore, I take your words as inspiration for the future! Thank you for your kindness!!  I hug you and dear Sue!  Be healthy and strong, as in your youth! With love and respect to you, lyuba  


Marilyn Holms over 2 years ago

Both of these letters are so inspiring as these love the Lord and step out faith and trust him some difficult circumstances. Marilyn

Steve Carlson over 2 years ago

I stop for a moment to consider that I had zero input into where or when I was born, who my parents were, and what pros and cons my body and psyche would have. I am glad to be a contemporary of saints like Marietta and Lyuba. I suspect time will pass quickly and I will be in a Great Place with these very faithful people for a very long time.
But until then, I ask God to ease their burdens and let them prosper in His Kingdom. While Satan attacks us and our homelands, I ask God to encourage us since, as Elisha said, “… those who are with us are greater than those who are with them.” Thank You, Lord God.

Ginean over 2 years ago

Lyuba thank you for your marvelous prayers and steadfast faith such an encouragement for all believers. Would be amazing to meet you someday. May God continue to richly bless you on your journey.

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