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Shalom dear ones!   

We finished up the conference here in Krasnodar with friends in Christ from four different Nations!  It was relational, moving and life changing for almost everyone!  

Today I had a meeting before breakfast then another after... It was great to see Todd Gibson give the Sunday Service message!  He did a wonderful job summing up what Doug Burleigh and I had been talking about the previous three days!  Afterward we had small group meetings after which many people started back to their various homes.    I continued meeting with people for the next 2 1/2 hours, most of whom said, "just 5 minutes please".  There were no 5 minute meetings this week, but they were all profound!  Many were young people (usually 19-32 years old) who had been in church all their lives but had no joy, no confidence of God's love in their life, no interest in reading the Bible and dealing with all kinds of temptations and sin- but each of them said they had never understood about the Holy Spirit before (Acts 19:1-7). Now, they wanted Him to come into their lives and take control, more than anything else in the world!  It has been one after another for four days now and my spirit is overwhelmed with thanksgiving and joy!  They are so sincere and have so much of their lives left to serve the King and to know the sweetness of our Precious Spirit's fellowship!    

I was supposed to take my last three days here, before returning home, to go on a leaders retreat and get some R and R.  I was ambivalent abot this but they said it was the plan and I should stick with it.  

Then last night the senior pastor came up and said there was a big problem, people had been lining up meetings to be with me for those last three days and were upset (angry) that I was leaving!  He asked what we should do?  Actually, it brought peace to my heart because I would rather continue this ministry that the Holy Spirit was pouring out, as long as possible!  So, after we left the church I was brought to another home group at about 3:30 pm and we didn't finish until 8:30. We talked about Jesus and Scripture the whole time!  I think sometimes that I died and went to heaven!  People are very kind and know how challenging the schedule has been, so they keep asking, "aren't you tired?" And I tell them, "I am just old so I always look tired!"  And we keep going...  

Now that we do have more time during these next three days, with your prayerful help, I believe God will complete every purpose He had in mind for these extraordinary days!  

I am supposed to fly to Moscow early Thursday morning (our time- 10 hours ahead), then on to Frankfurt, Germany and finally on to Seattle, getting in hopefully on Saturday.  This is the time of year here for a lot of fog in the morning which often cancels flights, so I would be grateful for you prayers that the domino schedule for flights home would not be hindered!  

I miss you all and I am very anxious to see you and thank each of you for all the blessings that God has poured out in response to your faithful partnership as we build the Kingdom of God together!    

In His love,  jerry 


Ginean over 3 years ago

My heart sings when I hear how your teaching on the Holy Spirit touches and opens hearts to receive Him! Everything starts falling into place once we live in the Spirit! Many prayers for your health and stamina Jerry and God answered :o) praying for a strong finish and traveling mercies

Marilyn Holms over 3 years ago

I am so glad to hear about the conference and Todd and Doug. I have praying for all of you.. The Lord showed up in amazing ways. Those believers will never be the same. I can't imagine how much joy they are experiencing and thankful all of you are there. Glory to God. Jerry Praying for your safe return .
So glad you coming home. Blessings Marilyn

jean over 3 years ago

Moses' eyes did not dim nor his strength abate. Caleb at the age of 85 had the strength he had at the age of 40. Lord, like Moses and Caleb, I pray for the strength and health of your friend and willing servant, jerry. Also, Dear Lord, I pray by faith in the Name of Jesus that jerry will have that perfect divine health Peter spoke of in faith in Jesus' name (Acts 3:16 NAS).

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