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Sue and I had decided not to attend this year's Prayer Breakfast in Wash. D.C. primarily because of the expense.  But the leaders of the Ukrainian delegation sent us a formal invitation to their Breakfast gathering to recognize the work we have been a part of for the past 30 years.  I would rather stay under the radar and avoid stuff like this but Sue, the leaders at Salt and Light and our International friends were very encouraging about going, especially because so many saints have been the mainstays of this work over those many years! 
  I helped start the first Ukrainian Breakfast in 2004 with a total of 8 attendees!  God has blessed every part of the ministry there beyond all that we could have thought or imagined!  As we gathered to celebrate this 20th Anniversary of God's great faithfulness, over 700 National business, governmental and  spiritual leaders from the U.S. and Ukraine came together around the person of Jesus to give thanks! It was an amazing and humbling time for all of us!
  During the week one of my favorite parts is to be with dear partners from around the World that we work with for the sake of God's Kingdom!  Some we see regularly in the Countries God has given us to serve, others annually at gatherings like this but there are also many that we only meet every few years- sometimes even decades apart, but for all, the relationships are sweeter than ever!
  Thanks to Salt and Light for providing the funds for our flights to and from D.C. and others who helped with hotel, food and ground transportation. One thing, in my old age, I know now more than ever is that it takes a village!  Thanks again for being apart of that enduring community with us for the sake of Jesus!!

1 Comment

Steven Carlson about 1 year ago

[Lord God, your humble servants Jerry and Sue naturally don’t enjoy the spotlight. But thank You for bringing this to happen in order to advance relationships in Your kingdom. Now, please end the war in Ukraine, and restore the people there and in Russia.]

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