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The following is a letter from Gennadii Pilipenko, Senior Pastor in the Kharkiv Region of Ukraine:

Peace be with you from the Lord, dear Jerry!  

I sincerely thank you for your letter, from which it is clear that the military operations in Kharkiv cause you great worries about our security.   I will write a few words about our life in the past three weeks. Our church is going through a period of "scattering": many families have left Kharkiv, some are on the way, some have remained in the city. Difficulties united believers and brought them to their knees. Prayer to the Lord rises around the clock, hourly, day and night, in the Prayer House and in homes. Thanks God!   A great blessing for church members is communication in the church Telegram group. Divine services are held on Sundays. The number of attendees is constantly increasing.

About 30 brothers and sisters are active in volunteer service.   Volunteer service covers 7 areas:

1) The prayer house has become a refuge both for those whose houses have been damaged and for those who are in a state of fear. Dozens of people found shelter in this "shelter". Many of them began to understand their dependence on God.

2) Charity dinners for 50-60 people are prepared daily. People who are fleeing shelling in metro stations began to come to dinners.

3) During the first two weeks, evacuation buses to the Dnieper and Poltava departed from our house of prayer almost daily.

4) Many people are being helped to move around the city, especially to the train station, since the cost of a taxi has increased by 10-20 times.

5) The Church receives humanitarian aid from other churches and missions in the form of food and distributes it both to members of different churches and to many other Kharkiv residents. Volunteers deliver food packages to addresses.

6) The Church has received humanitarian aid in the form of clothing (for adults and children) and distributes it in shelters and on the streets. Together with clothes, New Testaments are offered to people, which many take with gratitude.

7) Two families who left for the West of Ukraine buy medicines in pharmacies for many members of the church and their acquaintances. Then the medicines arrive in Kharkiv, and volunteers deliver them to the addresses.  

In all the trouble of war, three of God's blessings are clearly visible: – believers began to pray more; – the church has become a kind of dominant in society: both a refuge, and a house of bread, and a source of hope; – unbelieving people, previously indifferent to God, awaken faith. Glory to the merciful Lord!  

In the Kharkiv region, in the town of Izyum, the invaders destroyed a prayer house. Three days ago, in the prayer house of the church where pastor Dima serves, the front doors and some glass were destroyed by a shock wave. Many houses in Kharkiv are damaged or destroyed.

The prayer house of our church is protected by the Lord. He also guards the house in which we live. We have light, heat, water, food. We are no better than other believers, we do not deserve such blessings. The Lord does this only in answer to your prayers and the prayers of many other believers.   Kolya and Sveta also thank God for His protection and great care. Today, after the service, we dined with the family of Ira and Dima, talked with our grandchildren. They, too, are under the protection of the Lord. We pray for Ira's forthcoming birth of a baby and the strengthening of her physical strength.   Please continue to pray for our ministry and peace in Ukraine.  

With brotherly love, Gennadii 


Judy Davies almost 3 years ago

Our prayers are with you.

Betty almost 3 years ago

I just want you to know how heartfelt our prayers are for all of. I am reminded of Eph. 3:14-21 and pray the power of words for you—that our will continue to strengthen you in your inner being through this dark time. And also that He will supply all your needs. God bless you for your sacrificial generosity of spirit toward others for whom Christ died.

Anita C Turner almost 3 years ago

The courage of the people in Ukraine and especially the author of this letter continue to amaze me. It is clear the Holy Spirit is with goes against human nature to remain in a place of extreme danger and yet these folks not only have stayed there but they (and their love of Christ) seem to be thriving under His protection. I pray that this conflict ends soon and your lives are restored. Except, I hope the restoration includes the obvious revival that is happening in your midsts. God loves you, we love you, the world loves you. In His Holy and everlasting Name amen. Be safe.

Steve Carlson almost 3 years ago

To Pastors Jerry and Sue: Thank you for sharing these poignant letters with us!

To Pastor Pilipenko: Thank you for taking the time to write these special messages. I hope you know how they inspire me to love and serve others, even in desperate times. I pray for your safety and strength, and for Ira and her baby — a challenging and special blessing!

To others in Ukraine: I am horrified that your friends and relatives are being scattered, hurt and killed. I am sad that your beautiful country is being devastated. I hope you know that we see your courage and sense your trust in Jesus and the power of prayer. I pray that all the resources and safety you need get to you quickly. I pray for peace and the return of your loved ones, and healing for your special country.

To friends in Russia: We know you are in an extremely difficult situation. Your friends are sent off to battle, your economy provides far too little, and Mr. Putin has shown his troubled soul to the world. I pray that he repents, returns your troops, and that your wonderful homeland is restored to honor.

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