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Our dear friend pastor Gennadii, who is the senor pastor in the region where we do most of our conferences, wrote celebrating the miraculous works of God in their church since we were there in May, and the joyful arrival of their 7th grandchild!

 Shalom, dear Jerry!

Today the churches of our Union celebrate the holiday of the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, I heartily congratulate you and your family on this very important event. I believe Jesus went into heaven for 3 purposes:

– take a place on the throne of the Father to control the Universe;

– to create the Church through the message of the Holy Spirit;

– to intercede for us before the Father.

Thank God that all these goals have been accomplished and continue to be accomplished.

Today, Thursday, we held a festive divine service from 11 o'clock in the morning. Today, about 200 people came to the service, among which there were many new people. In my sermon, I raised the question: what does a person need to have in order to move to heaven? I have considered the heavenly migration of Enoch, Elijah, Jesus, and the forthcoming migration of the Church. Then I drew simple conclusions: to migrate to heaven, we need only firm faith and a life that is pleasing to God! May the Lord help us to live such a life and look forward to our migration to heaven! For me, this idea is very valuable. I will say frankly that in some matters I take an example from you, because you always strive to live a life that is pleasing to God.

Lena and I are grateful to God that He kept you on the road and allowed you to meet with your family. I think you need some time to rest at home. This will help to complete the work on the book and restore strength for further missionary travels.

Lena and I thank you for your prayers for our family and our ministry. The Lord miraculously answered these prayers. On Friday, May 27, Ira had a successful birth - a son was born. Now Dima and Ira already have 5 children. The health of Ira and her baby is good, thank God. Now they have already returned to live in their house again.

The Lord continues to answer prayers for new people. Last week we started a New Life course for new people to help them get to know God and His Word. We set aside 3 days a week for meeting new people. Last week, 115 people came to such meetings, and even more people come this week. After each meeting, each participant receives a food package. People give thanks for spiritual food and for physical food. Some people say they are only alive thanks to food from the church.

Please greet Sue on our behalf. Kolya and Sveta, as well as our children and grandchildren, send you our heartfelt greetings.

With love in Jesus, Gennadii 


Steve Carlson almost 3 years ago

Lord God, please give peace and rest and restoration to Ukraine and Russia.
Hospody Bozhe, day myru ta spokoyu ta vidnovlennya Ukrayini ta Rosiyi.
Gospodi, day mir, pokoy i vosstanovleniye Ukraine i Rossii.

Marilyn Holms almost 3 years ago

Jerry and Sue
This a true revival so many seeking the Lord and growing in their faith. I have been praying for birth of their grandchild. So blessed to hear about it. Jerry ,he is a man of God. You have mentored him too. They missed seeing Sue too. Thanks for these continued updates. Bless you. Marilyn.Please let him know l pray for him and his dear wife.

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