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Today was the first day on this entire trip that I felt anxious about being able to make it though the whole schedule, even with God's help ( Oh ye of little faith...). But it turned out to be one miraculous event after another! I started the day tired and the schedule called for five meetings in a row of at least 2 hours each!  The first one was particularly challenging but ended great!  All the rest turned out to be celebrations of new life in Christ, infilling of the Holy Spirit, relational restorations and miraculous provisions- a new car, new apartments, and a man at this conference who took responsibility for the entire debt of a dear couple in ministry, which totaled 800,000 rubles ($11,300)!

Throughout this time, our Lord has restored people to hope, excitement, and clarity of purpose!  It is so fun to see the Holy Spirit put life back into people who had lost their focus and hope! Even a business man from Moscow who was an elite athlete in the military training facility and a top academic, called to ask for a couple hours because a mutual friend had said I could tell him about Jesus!  It was a tremendous time together and God has opened the door to his heart!   After the five different groups today another young man showed up who is very poor, alone and has followed me around just about everywhere I have gone since I arrived!  He is very quiet, and it was late, but he just wanted to sit together one more time before I left...   It is after 11 pm now and I just heard the schedule for tomorrow (my last day here), it will be about the same as today but filled with people who just want to be close one more time!  Can you imagine anything sweeter as we pursue with great joy the Lord Jesus, who loved us and freely gave Himself up for us all?                    (John 3:16/ I John 3:16!)


jean rehberg over 3 years ago

Oh my - how I love Him. Jesus, thank you for taking care of jerry!

Marilyn HolmsHi over 3 years ago

HI Jerry,
You are an amazing man of God and teach with all heart ❤and passion . That man that followed you was hungry for the Lord..Loved it..Then to hear all acts of kindness and mercy is a miracle. So glad l can hear about this good news. Praying for your strength and holy spirit fill you
Love Marilyn

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