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Shalom dear loved ones, I have been following your comments on the blog and our prayer line for special needs in our community there!  It is very helpful for me to know!  

I walked into a meeting several days ago and saw many friends who had gathered to see me again and share their stories!  It was exciting because most of them I have known, if not all their life then certainly most of it! So I couldn't help but smile because of this wonderful reunion!  Still, many there had very long faces and a great heaviness was over them all.  One of my friends was a little irritated at me for smiling, like, don't you know we are at War!?  I told them my heart was crushed with this War and at times it is even hard to breathe for the pain- but my joy was being together tonight, in Christ, with those we have loved more than our own lives! It was amazing how much permission the Holy Spirit gave us from that point on to just celebrate the privilege of life together during this one special night!  

I often travel through the slums of Kenya and many people there say they would never do this without an armed guard. But we have never taken weapons in and often I am the only white man in the midst of a million of the most desperate poor!  What I have discovered, by God's grace, is the power of a non-threatening smile with an outstretched arm!  It is miraculous to see the immediate change from a wary, angry look to a big smile full of beautiful white teeth ( plus or minus a few), returning the fist bump or hand shake!

Likewise, in Ukraine many of the meetings are with people who are bitter, angry and confused  and we talk openly about this, in fact, I have to keep clearing my own heart of this as well.  But treating one another with love and respect- seeking common ground in our faith and really honoring the time with warmth and sincere eye contact, moves mountains! 

Seemingly simple things matter too!  l like to hug and this is really awkward for some because of cultural norms, but I have yet to find any one who did not come back for more, especially now!  I also ask if we can hold hands when we pray. Even young teen age girls who I have known all their lives feel hesitant to touch someone outside of their family- but I talk them into it and they start giggling- later when we pray again they are jockeying into position to hold hands again with joyful confidence!  

I say all this because most of our pictures have us smiling as though we don't take seriously what is going on here, but just the opposite!  The War has taken much away, but when we have a few moments together, we are embracing what we do have- love for Christ and each other!  It brings about an unbounded joy of thanksgiving that moves us back to hope and closer to the Two Great Commandments- Loving God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength and loving each other like Jesus loves us, even more than ourselves...Matthew 22:36-40 / Romans 12:10, Phil. 2:3,4 / John 13:34,35   


Anita C Turner almost 3 years ago

Thank you Jerry. It's like you are right here in the very same room as I am in. I can hear your voice as I read this blog. I can't imagine the pain you are feeling but I wonder if you can imagine the joy and peace you are bringing to those who God puts in your sphere. I was talking to Judy yesterday about a particularly painful episode in my life (not Larry). The love of Christ you talk about here reminds me of that same love you talked about and counciled me about all of those years ago that helped me to move on from the evil that had entered my life. Jesus picked a good "mouthpiece" when He chose you to be an example to me, JCSL, and our brothers and sisters in foreign lands. I think He is well pleased with you and Rolfe. with much love - anita. PS: I know you are saving souls and lives but don't forget my stamp!!!!! Hahahaha. Remember - I gave you one job and that job is to bring me back that stamp and to PERSONALLY put it in my hand. Take care my friend.

Marilyn Holms almost 3 years ago

I am sure they have a difficult time believing that Jesus loves and cares for them.When they continues to live in such dire circumstances. You and Rolfe are light and message of hope ,life in Jesus BLESSINGS, Marilyn

jean rehberg almost 3 years ago

What a privilege and honor it is that God has called you, Jerry, and Rolfe to. So thankful for your willing hearts, and the glory of the fruit the Lord is bringing forth.

jean (postscript) almost 3 years ago

Thank you, Jerry, for the verses to ponder.

Freda Bingham almost 3 years ago

Forever praying for safety, peace, strength and encouragement.

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