By God's grace we arrived in Chernivtsi, Ukraine late last night! I had some great encounters with TSA agents, and border patrol agents, that will probably end up in a sermon sometime soon (nothing to do with guns!), but for tonight I would like to share with you the itinerary for the week that we received from the saints here in Chernivtsi! We often don't know day to day exactly what our dear Lord has planned but we have found when we leave it in His Hands He has borne more fruit than anything we have ever experienced before!
My hope is that this will help our elite prayer warriors and fasters to zero in on the ministry targets that God has prepared for this week!!
April 16th- I will be preaching at Central Baptist Church, along with our host Pasha Tseona for their Easter Service in the morning... Our dear brother Rolfe Carawan has been asked to preach in the evening Service! With a Big family dinner in the middle!
April 17th / 18th- preach at another Church's Easter Service Monday morning (it is normal for Easter to be more than one day!) Then, at a pastor's retreat Monday to Tuesday afternoon, followed by our discipleship team evening that night!
April 19th- important lunch meeting involving a very difficult situation ( I can't share more details at this point- but God knows)! Preaching at a mid-week Service that night- 1st Baptist
April 20-22- Ukrainian Youth pastor's Conference with folks from all over the nation.
April 22 26- Dr. Lev will pick up Rolfe and I to travel to Lviv, where we have several meetings with friends and ministry partners.
Leaving Monday morning for the Capitol Kiev on our way to Eastern Ukraine...
May the Lord guide each step, may each Devine Encounter be blessed. God is building a city that will glorify His name. I trust He will shine through you and those who minister with you. We are praying for each of you. In Jesus's wonderful name
You are in our thoughts and prayers throughout the day. And sometimes in the middle of the night!
May God's Light shine through you, and His Name be high and lifted up.
Praying for safe travels, rest and peace, and opportunities to love the saints there. They have endured so much.