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On Thursday, our last full day in Nairobi, we went back to Graceland Preschool to have a pizza party and pop with our kids and teachers. The kids were beside themselves with excitement and knew all about it, but most had never been able to even taste one before, now they had their very own slice, all for themselves!  How can it be that some have so much and others are barely surviving?



Marilyn Holms over 2 years ago

You made their lives so Happy with pizza and Coke. They are besides themselves. They have the beautiful eyes especially the little standing alone. So sweet. Blessings as you get ready to next step. MARILYN SEE Marta.

Anita Turner over 2 years ago

I was a freshman in high school the first time I had pizza...I am 70 years old and I can still taste it and I can still feel the pleasure it brought me. It was almost a religious experience, lol. You have no idea what a wonderful treat you have given them....they will remember it, you and the Holy Spirit for the rest of their lives. I am reminded that God handles the big things but he also remembers the little things. I pray a hedge of protection over you as you continue your mission. much love - anita

Steve Carlson over 2 years ago

It warms my heart that they could have something special to eat and drink.

Sue over 2 years ago

I pray they know how much Jesus loves them.

Sue over 2 years ago

I pray they know how much Jesus loves them.

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