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 While I was in the hills of Colombia during the first part of this New Year, my cell phone was not available except for about 24 hours on the weekend. Once a week I was able to get an update from our friends in Christ in both Russia and Ukraine and the increasing threat of a Russian invasion.  

Today has become the first day of that long feared War.  The internet may be shut down soon, but right up to today I have been receiving constant updates on the destructive progress of this War! The news I have been most anxious to receive concerns the physical and spiritual condition of the saints in Ukraine. Pasha Tseone, one of our key leaders in Chernivtsi called as he was driving home from an all night prayer vigil at his church. Many have put their hopes and trust in God and are standing in faith for whatever God will do next- Isa. 7:9!  But others came to swear, even in their prayers against Russia, Putin and to call down judgement and hell over their heads!  The whole spectrum is there... Pasha and our other young leaders are ministering to people's basic needs and calling them back to calmness and trust in Christ. Even so, some are angry at them for not being angry as well!  Chernivtsi is already being faced with many refugees from Kiev (a 9 hour drive away), and other cities under bombardment.  Our leaders there and churches in the area are trying to figure out how to feed, house and care for the huge influx that is already showing up!  I have asked how we can help.  It may be with funds to support the humanitarian crisis in the days to come, but right now their only request is that we would join them in earnest prayer for God's intervention and mercy!!  

The President of Ukraine has signed an emergency mandate that puts not only all reservists but all men up to age 65 into the military.  An hour ago one of our dearest friends wrote to say her brother, a reservist, has to leave tomorrow morning to face the Russian onslaught and her dad will likely follow shortly after that. Most  are poorly trained and equipped and when they leave, their families are not expecting them to return...  

I have been touched by the prayers of saints in both Russia and Ukraine who are praying for each others' Country and an end to these hostilities!   

In this Country we have felt aloof from most of the World's tragedies but what is coming in the days ahead, according to God's Sovereign Authority will involve all of us. The godless will turn more and more to the kingdom of darkness but the truly redeemed will grow stronger in faith and deeper in trust and obedience...    jerry 


Marilyn Holms about 3 years ago

So glad we can unite in prayer with our dear brother and sisters ❤ in prayer. Marilyn

Barb about 3 years ago

Trust in Him at all times, O people;
pour out your hearts to Him,
for GOD is our refuge. Psalm 62:8

Ginean about 3 years ago

Oh Lord uphold and give strength to the people of Ukraine with your mighty hand!

Marilyn Holms about 3 years ago

Just heard today that heard conflict in Chernisti sp..Max let us know. Praying for them

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