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Photos: 1) Greeting us when we arrive 2) Theresa, the head teacher, showing the food storage 3) The children lining up for food 4) The kids serving eachother lunch 5) Marcy making a new friend  6) Kids enjoying lunch time!

Bukura Primary and Junior Secondary is the largest school in the Bukura village serving over 900 children. It is a government funded school, but they do not provide any meals and parents must cover the cost for uniforms, exams and even the desks the student will use for the year.

With national unemployment at 60%, many families struggle to cover these costs. In fact they struggle in every way imaginable.  Many will try to farm their own land; however crop options and weather can make that impossible to sustain throughout the year. There are many seasons where families go hungry.

This is Enos's exact experience growing up because this is actually the village where he grew up.  He shared with us how day after day he and his siblings went to bed hungry.  And this is the school he attended when growing up!  The current head teacher was his teacher!

JCSL provides lunch every day to these dear children. Many times during the year this is the only meal they will eat each day. As we met with teachers they shared their gratefulness for our help and we shared of your love and prayers for all of them.


Steve Carlson 5 months ago

So sobering, and humbling. I want to help.
[Lord, please help me to help these children and staff.]

M a rilyn Holms 5 months ago

Thanks for this report. Eno's experience as a child hurts my heart going to bed hungry. So glad you saw the actual picture of each school. This is a large school. Parents do have pay for a lot on limited income. Providing their one meal a day means so much. Anxious to hear more. Safe travels home. All of you. Marilyn

Terry and Katelyn 5 months ago

Thank you for your ministry to our friends in Kenya and letting us know of the continuing need and faithfulness of God in the midst. Prayers as you return home and blessings to those will be staying there day in and out to serve.

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