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We walked through the Kibera slums today, and had a great time with the people in Kenya’s largest and most violent slum! But there was nothing but joy as we walked through with friends and just loved on the people as we made our way to Graceland School, to see our dear friend principal Judy and her staff!  They asked me to pray for them as we prepared to leave, which was a great joy!

The second picture is the Graceland staff that has literally pulled 60 kids from 1 year old to about 10, off of the slums’ dangerous streets and are giving them a great education around our faith in Christ!

3. Graceland has grown and now has two locations that are close to each other but they still do all of the cooking for 60 kids in Judy’s little apartment there in the slums!

4. It was just fun seeing the kids so happy to have a safe place, love and food to eat!

5. And what a joy to move through slums that outside people fear, but they are just people who need to be loved!

6. This is one of the local gang bosses who really warmed up and wants us to come back and spend more time with him!

7. Alex, the leader of the ” Kidstar Academy” and I looking over the Kibera slums and dreaming for the future of children who many think have no future! But they are the Lord’s kids and He didn’t create them for nothing!

8. Sharing in a brother’s dream…

9. These kids are wonderful and very smart!  They could bring light to the World if given a chance!

10. Food packages they put together in a couple of hours when we saw the immediate need from the flood damage! Courtesy of our dear friends in Ukraine, who just want to help in the midst of their own crisis!

11. These staples will serve many people in a time of critical need!



Steve Carlson 8 months ago

[Lord God, please help us to help these children and teachers.]

jean 8 months ago

Having memories of walking through those slums. I remember being amazed at how happy the children seemed and how thankful people were to talk to us, in such dire circumstances which they seemed oblivious to. I pray God is confirming your word there, Jerry, with signs and miracles. jean

M a rilyn Holms 8 months ago

This a power ministry that is led the Lord. Thank you lifted leaders Judy and Alex , teachers and all the others. I agree Jerry about children. Pray God's opens doors for this children grow in faith and have favor in opportunities to development of their gifts. Love you Jerry, Sierra and Enos

Judy 8 months ago

Praying for these dear believers and they work caring for children.

Kevin and Sue Hughes 8 months ago

I thank God those kids are off the streets, fed, safe, and loved. Please send love, and hugs, and our prayers to the staff, the parents, and the kids.
And Jesus I ask for those children not yet introduced to Your Mighty Arms, in Your Mighty Name.

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