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Thank you Ginean for sharing the beautiful picture for today's blog!

Many of you know our dear brother Max Kushnir!  He is delivering aid to refugees in the City of Chernivtsi and also food and supplies to those lined up for up to 3 days to escape through the Romanian border!  Max has 5 children now and they are staying put because of their love for Ukraine and desire to serve Christ!   I was touched by the maturity of his faith and understanding and want to share his most recent letter... 

Thank You dear Brother!  

... We had up to 6 air raid alerts two days ago, but GOD PROTECTED us  

I've given the funds to Pasha for the First Baptist Church today. He can't work at the construction now, because all construction is suspended now. He said they have some money, but Susan had to be in the hospital to prevent premature delivery, and now takes some intravenous medicine everyday, plus they need to buy some stuff for the I gave him some extra funds, so that they have what they need in case of emergency and for treatment.  

May the LORD Bless You in Your time at Spokane. May HE give You the right words at the meeting!  

It's amazing what GOD does. HIS Plan is still the same - to be Glorified through HIS People and to be made known! Thank You for a huge part that You do in this!!!  

The situation in Ukraine is getting even more difficult, as You probably see on the news, few hours ago they even started bombing one of our nuclear power plants.... The power plant is bigger than Chernobyl.  

We know GOD is GOOD and in Control  

And we can clearly see, how satan tries to do, what he always does: steal and kill and destroy! But we know that GOD gives us life, and life to the full! (JOHN 10:10)  

We are touched by how GOD moves people all around the world to pray for peace in Ukraine and Russia, and how HE motivates USA Government and others to send both material and other help for Ukraine!   

With all these that happens in Ukraine, many people are forced to leave their homes or what is left after the destruction of their homes. They come to Chernivtsi and other western regions. But we see that during last days, it got more difficult for them to leave their homes, because many big cities are surrounded by Russian military and people can't escape.  

Please, pray with us that GOD would provide a way!  

And may GOD protect the hearts of believers from hardening and hate, For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Ephesians 6:12)   May the LORD Bless You Brother and surround You with HIS LOVE and GRACE   

Yesterday, I also received the following letter from Dr. Lev. In the midst of Russia's horrific assault on Ukraines' capital city, Kiev, the doctors we have been serving with for the past 15 years are caring for the sick and wounded even under a barrage of bombs and rocket fire! Despite all the trauma surrounding Lev and the rest of the medical team, they continue to faithfully give us updates, always with thanksgiving for those of you who are praying, fasting and giving!  Your gifts put medicines and supplies in their hands that literally mean the difference between life and death for those they care for  in this awful War! 

Dear brother Jerry,  We are very grateful to our God for His mercy and blessings. Letting blessings be given to those in need. With God's grace, the people who were forced to flee from their families' homes by evacuation vehicles, housing, food, medicines were blessed. They were provided with medical assistance to the extent that it is possible to do this at this time.  Many people with chronic diseases like kidney failure who have to travel for hemodialysis and cannot stay in the hospital were also provided transportation for them thanks to God's blessing. In His love, Lev 


Dawn about 3 years ago

Thank you for these updates, and the letters included. They are a very personal, helpful way to focus our prayers. We're all calling on our great God of Mercy to bring peace and safety to all people in Ukraine.

Marilyn Holms about 3 years ago

Hi Jerry,
Thanks updates. Proud of Max too. So glad you had a report from Dr. LEVI AND MEDICAL. I have been praying daily. So blessed we have funds to meet these needs. OUR Lord hears the cries from our hearts for them. They are family to us. Hope to hear about Pastors and families in Eastern Ukraine. BLESSINGS FRIEND, Marilyn

Marilyn Holms about 3 years ago

Hi Jerry,
Thanks updates. Proud of Max too. So glad you had a report from Dr. LEVI AND MEDICAL. I have been praying daily. So blessed we have funds to meet these needs. OUR Lord hears the cries from our hearts for them. They are family to us. Hope to hear about Pastors and families in Eastern Ukraine. BLESSINGS FRIEND, Marilyn

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