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Our dear brother, Dr. Lev Prystupiuk, continues to spend the bulk of his time serving in newly liberated territories in Ukraine's East and Southeastern cities.  It is very dangerous but he made the decision when Russia invaded Ukraine a year an a half ago that his skills as a doctor and connections as the European medical representative to 6 former Soviet Union Nations would be used for humanitarian relief no matter what the personal cost might be!

Lev makes brief forays into Europe to visit international partners who help him collect desperately needed medicines and medical equipment! And on his way, he has a chance to visit his parental family in Kiev, who are all medical doctors as well!

He is one of my dearest friends and, most importantly, one of Jesus Christ's most faithful servants...

Dear brother Jerry, 

Now unfortunately chaos is happening in the world, we see this in Ukraine, Israel, Africa and other countries. But we must always not forget the Lord's love, goodness, mercy, and always follow Him. Lord has His plan for everything, and we must obey it. 

I think a lot about Israel and Palestine and pray for them, for peace, understanding and forgiveness. Letting all the fallen rest in peace, and in the hearts of their families be love, peace and forgiveness. 

I did not know that you had a replacement for the left hip, this is good news and a little more and you can be called "iron man". 

You are a faithful brother and faithful servant. Thank you for your kindness, mercy and love that you show to our brothers and sisters. Great news that our brother from Kenya could spend a blessed time with you. All my loved ones convey to you a big greeting, and especially Marianna and Toma, they especially see what kind of relationship we have, and how you treat me kindly. 

Right now I am writing to you from a van and we are going to the de-occupied territories of the Mykolaiv region, helping the people there. And I continue to conduct both education trainings and in-situ simulations on stroke.

I'll try again to send you photos. Also, let me know if you have plans to visit Ukraine or I can serve with you in other places. 

With love in Christ,



Ginean over 1 year ago

Praying for Dr Lev that everywhere God leads the way is prepared ahead of him. ❤️

Steve Carlson over 1 year ago

The world sometimes depresses me. Wars, domestic troubles, poverty, divorces, rumors of global warming, hostile words,… Then I consider the words of Dr. Lev — who dedicates his precious time and skills for the good of others — “But we must always not forget the Lord's love, goodness, mercy, and always follow Him.” Amen. Thank you Dr. Lev.

Steve Carlson over 1 year ago

Lord God, please end the war and give the peoples of Ukraine and Russia peace.

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