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 We haven't posted anything about Dr. Lev in Ukraine for a while. The circumstances have grown even more difficult as people continue to die and they are losing more ground to the Russian troops because of inadequate supplies of weapons and ammunition!
 Dr. Lev and our other friends in the medical field go into very dangerous areas to serve the poor and needy, free of charge, with their amazing medical skills! 
  As you can tell from the flow of our letters in all the Countries He has called us to, we love God and each other!  It is not only a blessing for us but has been a powerful witness for many who have seen these kind of relationships before! 

Shalom, dear brother Jerry,
I’m very happy to hear from you. Many thanks and glory to our Lord and many thanks to you and your loved ones. 
You are my teacher from whom I learn how to live correctly, act, love Jesus and love and act like Jesus. It is my great joy and it will be a great honor and pleasure for me to share time with you and follow the Lord together, to be His follower. 
Today I arrived from Khmelnytskyy to Lviv, where I conducted training for doctors on stroke, and tomorrow I’m going to Kyiv. Every month I spend one week in the East of Ukraine and assist those people who need help. This month I was in the Mykolaiv region, and in March I will go to the Kharkiv region. Also, Zhenya and, when there is time, Maksym travel with me to deoccupied territories. Zhenya wants and likes to help people and he's doing it sincerely and with love.
Unfortunately, now there is an active offensive and our troops are retreating, and more villages are appearing where we are assisting. The situation is very unstable, but I am faithful and stand in God, and I know that I rely on Him in everything. 
I really miss you. I look forward to our meeting and an amazing journey. All my family and I say hello to you and we all give you a warm hug.
Please let me know what can I do for you and how can I assist you? 
You can always rely on me and count on me in any matter. I look forward to our meeting.
In Christ's love,

1 Comment

Steve Carlson about 1 year ago

[Good morning, Lord God. Please keep Dr. Lev and the others safe as they generously serve their countrymen. You and Your plans are sovereign, but would You please end the war by noon today. Please give the Ukrainian and Russian soldiers relief and a safe return to their families.]

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