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Last month we were able to send $700 from the Benevolence Fund to a Kenyan pastor - Festus and his wife Dorcas Kimwele - that we have known for several years. They have been rebuilding their home after torrential rains and flooding destoyed the previous one that was made out of a combination of mud and cow dung. This new dwelling is used as a home, community center and house church. They had exhausted all of their resources trying to construct a brick dwelling that would withstand the winter storms. They ran out of money before they could purchase 66 sheets of corrigated tin roofing to protect the building pryor to the start of the rainy season.

They wrote, "we lack words that will fully let you know how appreciative we are. May the Lord Almighty bless you all, may Him double your blessings... we are not done yet but if it were not God who used you we won't have reached this far!"


Sue Hughes over 4 years ago

Praise God! YES!!

joan over 4 years ago

God is amazing. We will be praying.

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