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 Konjit Berhanu is one of our dearest friends in the World!  She was a judge in Ethiopia almost 20 years ago and left a wonderful position to live in derelict housing with street girls in Ethiopia. The house was established to give kids, in one of the worst situations imaginable, a chance to escape the crime laden streets and learn about Jesus and also to participate in classes where they learned how to read, write, do math and practice English. One of the original boys from the guys’ house (Ben), was with us at Salt and Light two weeks ago. He has gone from an orphan in the house to an amazing Architect with a down town office and 150 employees!  

  Konjit is now working with a new international mission to bring Christ and tangible aid to the poorest of the poor!  She told us about the Civil War in the northern part of the Country that has claimed over a half a million lives!  This terrible War has partially subsided because of a devastating drought that has brought everyone to their knees. Koni said they could feed a family for a week for $11!  So we were able to send $1100 for 100 families earlier this month! 
  It was very dangerous to transport this life-saving food to this village but when it arrived there was no end to their Joy! Jesus said whatever you do for the least one of these brothers of mine you, do for Me… Matt. 25:40


Hello Jerry, thank you so very much for your prayers and support. We’ve delivered your gifts to the neediest in Abergele. It was a very risky security wise as well us topography but very rewarding journey! Praise the Lord for he has helped us! You’re a Blessing!

We delivered 100 quintals (2200 pounds) of rice and 2000 liters of vegetables oil. The little town was in ecstasy! Praise Jesus!

1 Comment

Steve Carlson 12 months ago

This makes me feel good.

[Thank You, Lord, for helping them. Please end the war and drought.]

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