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There is no internet at Enos’ place in Western Kenya where we will be for the next two days, so we just have a temporary opportunity in a restaurant today… I’ll write a little now with hopefully more later! There will be a lot of pictures at the top of the blog and I’ll try to write a little about each one. The first picture is at the farm this morning, with  Esther, Enos’ mom, and Sierra who is doing great!

This is followed by one with Esther, some of the farm buildings and our water tower in the background that is a blessing to the whole community! God is So good!

They have 17 cows now, about 10 goats, geese, ducks and about 200 chickens!

Next are areawide leaders, pastors, farmers and business folks, together for sharing about Jesus’ idea of leadership!

We had a Great day at Bukura school!  They have about 1000 students now and have tripled in size since the feeding program began!

This is followed by a famous World leader sharing some sweet words of wisdom!

It is so fun to watch hungry kids eat!  They put on great dances and shows for us but over and over again they said we would not be able to do what we do if God hadn’t given us food- because most have nothing at home!

We told them we were also going to provide feminine hygiene supplies to the end of the term (August) and the crowd went wild!  Many girls stay home from embarrassment at school and everybody knows why- so it is a very public issue!  Only God could make this a blessing and joy for all and remove the disruption which always seems to be there!

Sierra serving lunch! She has a servant’s heart!!

A good sized plate of food that for most, is their only meal of the day!  They were So thankful and just happy!



Steve Carlson 8 months ago


M a rilyn Holms 8 months ago

Thanks for this very good report . Especially about Esther and animals. Those precious children touch deeply. They are eager learners and lifted musically. Praying for God to bless their future. He has a plan for each one. Jerry looking for seeing you soon. Blessing, Marilyn 3 hostages got rescue from Gaza today. Yay.

Betty 8 months ago

So grateful for all that has happened in these places. For some reason, I am so touched that there’s a well that gives the people clean water. Sierra looks right at home there with everybody.. when you have given the least of these, you have given to the Lord Jesus. May He continue to strengthen you and all you touch. And may it go out like a ripple in a pond!!

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