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This is some of the crowd after church Sunday at the baptism... One of the things I have been talking about is how we treat people who serve us, like waitresses etc. I tell them that we can learn their names right off and thank them for everything they do- treating them like friends instead of like servants. There is a huge difference when our time together is like friends- not only is the service better but there is a fun sweet-ness when we finally have to leave.  But teaching is one thing, doing is often different, so they are always watching...
  After the baptism I was out in the foyer putting on my dress shoes and I started chatting with the manager of the gym we used and thanking him for all the work they did to help us.  He started asking questions and talking about our faith and God opened up a really earnest, soft dialogue.  He was pretty stern when we all walked in but during our time he kept bumping shoulders as we sat next to each other and saying very kind things! It was a fun five minutes as we were on our way out the door.  What surprised me afterwards was all of the church people who came up as we were walking outside and said nobody here knows that man but you were talking to him like a friend- this is what you are talking about isn't it?

1 Comment

Marilyn Holms about 5 years ago

Seeing the Baptism and joy on your face made me so blessed. Your teaching about treating everyone well with great respect helps me so much. I fail sometimes but in all your humility you are the great example we need.

Jerry we are anxiously await your homecoming. PRAYING for NO PROBLEMS WITH YOUR VISA AND TRAVEL MERCIES.

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